Wellness at Aman-i-Khás

Centred around a bubbling fountain, the Spa Tent houses two double treatment rooms in which holistic therapies distilled from millennia of experience in the healing arts can be enjoyed. Multi-sensory journeys of traditional Ayurvedic wisdom are offered alongside massages, the gentle healing touch of Reiki and various scrubs, wraps and baths. Outdoor yoga sessions revitalise, and the lounger-lined pool is modelled on the area’s ancient step-wells.

Our facilities

  • インドに古代から伝わるアーユルヴェーダの教えに基づいたトリートメント
  • 階段井戸式のスイミングプール
  • 暖房の効いたスパテント(ダブルトリートメントルーム2室付)
  • 専門講師の指導によるヨガ&メディテーションクラス
Aman I Khas Aman-i-Khas, India - Wellness - Spa - Yoga.jpg Aman-i-Khas, India - Roses .jpg

アーユルヴェーダ − 生命の科学 








Aman Shop

The spa experience from the comfort of home

In recent years, Aman has grown to offer its coveted lifestyle beyond the parameters of its havens. Aman Skincare and Sva supplements harness powerful natural ingredients to provide balance and optimal wellbeing within and without, while Aman Fine Fragrance products bring the spirit of Aman into the comfort of home.

Wellness Concierge

Aman’s Wellness Concierges contact Immersion guests by phone or email before arrival to outline the options available and answer any questions, ensuring guests select the perfect pathway to their desired outcome.

To speak to our Wellness Concierge team, please contact:

Email: [email protected]


Tel: 0120 951 124 * (Japan)

Tel: 800 852 6690 * (Singapore)

Tel: 183 3892 0200 * (USA)

Tel: 0808 101 3377 * (United Kingdom)


Tel: +1 754 216 7820 (tolls apply)