安缦璞瑞的 Arva 餐厅


Arva 餐厅向度假村住客和非住客开放,演绎经典意式餐饮的欢乐温馨氛围。行政主厨妙手生花,鲜捕鱼类、散养土鸡和有机果蔬摇身一变,成为餐单上一道道愉悦味蕾的环保时令菜肴,正宗地道的品质彰显着经典意式美食历久弥新的魅力。

amanpuri_thailand_-_dining_arva_table_setting_food_wine.jpg amanpuri_thailand_-_dining_arva_food_menu_tomato_salad_buffalo_mozzarella.jpg Amanpuri Arva


Arva 餐厅名称中的“Arva”,在拉丁语中意为“耕地”。餐厅沿袭意大利南部的“丰收菜”(即意大利语中的“Cucina Del Raccolto”)传统,甄选地道食材烹制精致菜肴 — 食材或产自菜园农场,或采摘自茂密林间,或鲜捕于碧波汪洋。菜单上的时令菜品包括鲜美意面和意式烩饭,以及丰盛味浓的“主菜”(即意大利语中的“piatti principali”)。


Arva 餐厅选用的新鲜有机农产品食材主要来自本地。每天,本地邦陶村的渔民都会为安缦璞瑞送来按照订单鲜捕的上等海鲜,包括鲷鱼、软壳蟹、泥蟹和鲜活石斑鱼。有机散养土鸡和土鸡蛋购自攀牙的一家孤儿院,用于制作香草烤鸡分享拼盘;每天消耗的热带水果、辣椒和鲜蔬则购自普吉岛老城区的农贸市场。

  • Dinner: 18:00 - 23:00

Featured new experience

Pasta & Risotto Masterclass

Embark on a culinary adventure with our Pasta & Risotto Masterclass, where our expert Italian chef will guide you through the art of crafting perfect pasta and creamy risotto from scratch. Discover the intricacies of selecting the finest ingredients, mastering the art of kneading pasta dough, and the precision required to create a perfectly textured risotto. Learn the secrets of pairing the right pasta shape with the ideal sauce and the nuances of balancing flavours in risotto to elevate your culinary creations.


Arva is open to Aman guests and non-residents (subject to availability)


  • 午餐:12:00 - 16:00

  • 晚餐:18:00 - 23:00

  • 电话:+66 76 324 333

  • 电子邮件:[email protected]