概览 当季特色 沉浸式文化体验 运动探险 水上探险 Shop 安缦丘澜的精彩体验 高踞山崖之上,俯瞰龙目海峡,安缦丘澜远离尘嚣,宁静祥和。它时尚而低调,汲取了当地传统建筑的精髓。从尊享餐饮体验,到巴厘岛东部村庄和水皇宫的摄影展,请在下方了解安缦丘澜独有的当季特色体验日历。敬请垂询 特色体验 28 September Guest Chef: Liam Nichols Join chef Liam Nichols for a unique dining experience at Amankila’s Harvest Table. Liam, one of Britain’s fastest rising stars, has worked in kitchens around the world, as Sir Richard Branson’s private chef and earned his own Michelin star at STORE in Norfolk. His journey includes key roles at Michelin-starred restaurants like Midsummer House in Cambridge, Restaurant Sat Bains in Nottingham and Momofuku KO in New York, among others. This memorable dining experience will celebrate Bali’s culinary heritage and showcase Liam’s passion for using the freshest locally sourced ingredients. 17 October Cook the Island with Denis Lucchi In an exclusive collaboration for one night only, Chef Denis Lucchi joins forces with Amankila’s Chef for a ‘Four Hands Dinner’ celebrating his innovative techniques and passion for Italian cuisine. Starting his career at 14 in the Italian city of Brescia, Lucchi has had a prestigious career with stints at Singapore-based Gattopardo and Buona Terra, for which he gained a Michelin star in 2019. Available Year-Round Purnama on the Hill A time of renewal and reflection, the Balinese lunar calendar marks the occurrence of a full moon or Purnama with unique ceremonies across the island. Perched atop Indrakila Hill, Amankila celebrates each full moon with an immersive cultural and culinary experience. Partake in the tranquil joy of meditation, blessings and Balinese dance, accompanied by a gamelan orchestra. Evening also features a visit to Pasar Senggol—a Balinese night market showcasing local flavours and traditional Balinese crafts. Purnama on the hill dates: 19 August, 17 September, 17 October, 16 November, and 15 December. 全年提供 巴厘岛文化表演 在安缦丘澜的三层泳池和龙目海峡的映衬下,巴厘岛的文化底蕴在一系列激动人心的舞蹈表演中展现得淋漓尽致。克差舞、Cekepung 舞、火焰舞是餐厅特色巴厘岛和印度尼西亚晚宴前的完美开场。 即日起至 2024 年 12 月 灵魂净化之旅 安缦丘澜的三晚净化精神之旅专为净化心灵、审视内心而设计,其中不但包含每日水疗,还包含在巴厘岛一些圣地举行的仪式。在巴厘岛原始的东海岸,神圣的阿贡山脚下,安缦丘澜为您打造一方净土,让您关注个人健康。 Previous 下一个 文化庆典 9 月 25 日 - 10 月 5 日 加隆安和库宁安 根据印度教萨卡日历,巴厘岛每 210 天就会庆祝一次加隆安节和库宁安节,为期 10 天。人们相信,在这 10 天里,包括至高无上的全能神 Ida Sang Hyang Widi 在内的诸神会降临人间,参加庆祝活动。人们会举行庄严隆重的仪式和宴会,用丰盛的祭品盛迎众神。 2025 年 3 月 29 日 静居日 静居日在巴厘岛萨卡日历中代表新年,是印度教的庆祝活动,旨在扫除上一年的各种霉运,迎接来年的喜庆。静居日是巴厘岛最宁静的一天,街上一片寂静,许多人参加斋戒,停止工作和娱乐活动。 2025 年 4 月 11-12 日 Piodalan Piodalan 或奥达兰是指巴厘岛各地为了纪念 mrajan(家族寺庙)或 palinggih(圣地)落成而在当地村子举行的庆祝活动。在奥达兰时代,公共寺庙四周环绕着色彩鲜艳的布带和椰子制成的装饰品,例如 Penjor 装饰品和丰盛的祭品。 Previous 下一个
28 September Guest Chef: Liam Nichols Join chef Liam Nichols for a unique dining experience at Amankila’s Harvest Table. Liam, one of Britain’s fastest rising stars, has worked in kitchens around the world, as Sir Richard Branson’s private chef and earned his own Michelin star at STORE in Norfolk. His journey includes key roles at Michelin-starred restaurants like Midsummer House in Cambridge, Restaurant Sat Bains in Nottingham and Momofuku KO in New York, among others. This memorable dining experience will celebrate Bali’s culinary heritage and showcase Liam’s passion for using the freshest locally sourced ingredients.
17 October Cook the Island with Denis Lucchi In an exclusive collaboration for one night only, Chef Denis Lucchi joins forces with Amankila’s Chef for a ‘Four Hands Dinner’ celebrating his innovative techniques and passion for Italian cuisine. Starting his career at 14 in the Italian city of Brescia, Lucchi has had a prestigious career with stints at Singapore-based Gattopardo and Buona Terra, for which he gained a Michelin star in 2019.
Available Year-Round Purnama on the Hill A time of renewal and reflection, the Balinese lunar calendar marks the occurrence of a full moon or Purnama with unique ceremonies across the island. Perched atop Indrakila Hill, Amankila celebrates each full moon with an immersive cultural and culinary experience. Partake in the tranquil joy of meditation, blessings and Balinese dance, accompanied by a gamelan orchestra. Evening also features a visit to Pasar Senggol—a Balinese night market showcasing local flavours and traditional Balinese crafts. Purnama on the hill dates: 19 August, 17 September, 17 October, 16 November, and 15 December.
全年提供 巴厘岛文化表演 在安缦丘澜的三层泳池和龙目海峡的映衬下,巴厘岛的文化底蕴在一系列激动人心的舞蹈表演中展现得淋漓尽致。克差舞、Cekepung 舞、火焰舞是餐厅特色巴厘岛和印度尼西亚晚宴前的完美开场。
即日起至 2024 年 12 月 灵魂净化之旅 安缦丘澜的三晚净化精神之旅专为净化心灵、审视内心而设计,其中不但包含每日水疗,还包含在巴厘岛一些圣地举行的仪式。在巴厘岛原始的东海岸,神圣的阿贡山脚下,安缦丘澜为您打造一方净土,让您关注个人健康。
9 月 25 日 - 10 月 5 日 加隆安和库宁安 根据印度教萨卡日历,巴厘岛每 210 天就会庆祝一次加隆安节和库宁安节,为期 10 天。人们相信,在这 10 天里,包括至高无上的全能神 Ida Sang Hyang Widi 在内的诸神会降临人间,参加庆祝活动。人们会举行庄严隆重的仪式和宴会,用丰盛的祭品盛迎众神。
2025 年 3 月 29 日 静居日 静居日在巴厘岛萨卡日历中代表新年,是印度教的庆祝活动,旨在扫除上一年的各种霉运,迎接来年的喜庆。静居日是巴厘岛最宁静的一天,街上一片寂静,许多人参加斋戒,停止工作和娱乐活动。
2025 年 4 月 11-12 日 Piodalan Piodalan 或奥达兰是指巴厘岛各地为了纪念 mrajan(家族寺庙)或 palinggih(圣地)落成而在当地村子举行的庆祝活动。在奥达兰时代,公共寺庙四周环绕着色彩鲜艳的布带和椰子制成的装饰品,例如 Penjor 装饰品和丰盛的祭品。