Ocean Adventures


Dive into Amanyara's ocean adventures embracing the resort's breathtaking setting. Explore the secluded northwestern shore of Providenciales and the pristine reefs of Northwest Point Marine National Park in a host of engaging ways. 

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造访位于度假村内部的自然探索中心,了解特克斯和凯科斯群岛多样化的海陆生态系统。这里有许多致力于发现并保护本土野生动植物的环境计划,适宜所有年龄段的宾客参与。12 岁以上的宾客可以参与帆船出海、Seabob 水下推进器之旅、GoPro 水下摄影探险、山地自行车骑行、红树林观光探险等活动。年龄较小的儿童可以参加中心的帆船学院或游泳训练营,还可以学习风筝冲浪课程。宾客还可在专业导游的带领下,开启岩石海岸探险以及小动物观察、寻宝游戏和徒步观鸟之旅。





Eco Adventures

Amanyara’s proximity to Frenchman’s Creek Nature Reserve and West Caicos make it an ideal base for bespoke private eco-tours. Choose to explore the rich biodiversity of mangrove wetlands by kayak and paddleboard, or witness vibrant flora up close on nature walks and biking trails. 

Cruises and Fishing Charters

There is no better way to experience the natural splendour of the islands' untouched coastlines, pristine cays and vibrant sealife than by chartering a vessel. An  expert crew will take care of every detail whether spending the day snorkelling and island hopping or attempting to land a formidable game fish, in waters world renowned for their marlin, tuna and monster wahoo.