安缦涯澜坐落于占地面积 18,000 英亩的自然保护区与无垠大海的交接之处,可提供丰富多样的水上、水下探险体验。宾客可以利用安缦涯澜奉上的几项独家礼遇,收获一段完美无瑕的度假时光 — 可以在别墅中悠游度日,也可以体验精彩的运动探险项目。敬请垂询 三晚或四晚住宿 别墅体验 即日起至 2025 年 12 月 18 日。每日早餐、餐食代用金以及第三晚或第四晚别墅免费住宿。探索更多查询可预订状态3 晚住宿 探索安缦涯澜 即日起至 2025 年 12 月 19 日。在庭阁住宿三晚或以上可享受每日早餐和 1 晚免费住宿。探索更多查询可预订状态住宿四晚或以上 延长旅程 即日起至 2025 年 12 月 18 日。入住四晚及更多房晚可获赠一晚免费住宿。 探索更多查询可预订状态 four-night stay Villa Retreat From 5 January - 18 December 2025 Allow yourself to lose track of time on your next retreat, with a complimentary fourth night in a secluded coastal villa.Discover moreCheck availabilitythree, five or six-night stay Season of Discovery Until 18 December 2025 Delicious breakfast, two-course lunch and dinner included daily with all stays of three-nights or more. For Villa guests, a family movie night and private snorkelling trip are also included.Discover more Check availability
four-night stay Villa Retreat From 5 January - 18 December 2025 Allow yourself to lose track of time on your next retreat, with a complimentary fourth night in a secluded coastal villa.Discover moreCheck availability
three, five or six-night stay Season of Discovery Until 18 December 2025 Delicious breakfast, two-course lunch and dinner included daily with all stays of three-nights or more. For Villa guests, a family movie night and private snorkelling trip are also included.Discover more Check availability