

Amanemu Experiences Amanemu, Japan amanemu, japan nature






18 洞 Nemu 高尔夫俱乐部与安缦伊沐比邻而立,拥有享誉日本的优美自然风光。广阔无垠的果岭俯瞰着近旁海湾的壮美之景,高尔夫球手既可于海湾之上挑战高难度挥杆,亦可在配天然草地球座(部分有顶,可全天候使用)的练习场精进球技。


安缦伊沐利用度假村多样化的自然风貌,顺应季节时令,提供老少咸宜的各种体验。跟着当地花艺师学习插花艺术,俯瞰着英虞湾练习 SUP 瑜伽课程,与清酒大师一起品味优质清酒,每一位客人都能在这里自得其乐,孩子们也可以在儿童学院度过充裕的欢乐时光。傍晚时分沿着海岸惬意巡游,赏尽人间无限风光。

Amanemu, Japan - Ama diver Amanemu Journey-Ise Shrine & Food of the god

Six unforgettable adventures in Ise Shima

Establishing deep, lasting connections with local communities and cultures around the world is fundamental to the Aman philosophy. These Journeys – exclusively available at Amanemu – have been created to fully immerse guests in the charms of the Ise Shima region, regarded as Japan's spiritual heartland. They are the result of deep ties with an array of remarkable local merchants, guides and artisans – and in many ways, contribute to the preservation of some of Japan's finest crafts, cultures and cuisines. 

Lunch with an ama 

Known as ‘the bay of pearls’ and dotted with drifting rafts, Ago Bay has been home to the ama for centuries. The ama are a one-of-a-kind community of female free-divers who make their living collecting shellfish, seaweed and sea urchin from the seabed. Visit an amagoya – a diver’s hut – for a special Amanemu lunch with an ama for an unforgettable insight into an ancient and unusual way of life 
