Celebrations & events at Amanjiwo

Host the perfect event at Amanjiwo


在这片地处印尼文化中心的传奇大地上,“此景只应天上有”的安缦齐和,可为举办私人庆典提供数不胜数的选择。朝阳初升之前,可邀贵宾一同登顶九世纪佛门圣地——婆罗浮屠,沐浴晨曦中的佛光,而后于葱郁松林间共享美味野炊早餐。待夕阳西下,便可辗转流连于酒店内的多个场所,品赏地道精致的爪哇料理,观看当地表演艺术家倾情献上的特色文艺表演,备受称道的迎宾舞Tari Gambyong将让在场贵宾们全然沉浸其中,一如婆罗浮屠的高僧佛像般,喜形于色,容光焕发。


Featured experience

Exclusive use of Amanjiwo

With its own character, intimate spaces, a limited number of rooms and intuitive, personalised service, Amanjiwo provides the perfect opportunity for its guests to hire the entire resort as a unique venue for a special occasion. Bookings of 31 free-standing rooms, accommodating up to 130 guests, are considered a full resort buyout. Please note that exclusive use of Amanjiwo is not available during the summer months of July and August.


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Aman Gift Card

A gift to remember

 Share the gift of future travel with the Aman Gift Card – the perfect wedding gift, corporate incentive or token of gratitude. Choose to share it directly with the recipient via email, or gift in person in the form of a soft leather luggage tag to be cherished for years to come. Whatever the occasion, the Aman Gift Card presents all those who receive it with the opportunity to make new memories and share magical moments in Aman destinations across the globe.