Family Adventure at Amantaka

Amantaka offers a host of activities and experiences for all ages, ensuring that families can make unforgettable memories together whether cycling around town, learning a new skill or discovering more about the culture or geography of this remarkable World Heritage Site.

Amantaka Experience Amantaka Experience Amantaka Experience




在琅勃拉邦的Manda Lao大象保护区,众多被救大象得到了悉心的照料和应得的尊重,不妨亲自前往这里,近距离深入了解这些庞然大物,探索人与大象和谐共存的秘密。还可以参与这一璀璨中心地带首创的全新仁善训练过程,为提高老挝及世界其他地区大象的福祉水平贡献自己的一份心力。 



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Three-Night Family Adventure

Amantaka plays host to this wonderful three-night family experience in Laos. Cooking classes and excursions to waterfalls and buffalo farms create opportunities for true bonding and memory making, while offering the chance to explore the charming town and its rural surrounds. Daily breakfast and a choice of lunch or dinner are also included.